The PROCESS EXHIBITION, held in our hometown of Hamburg at the Trader Gallery, was a collaborative showcase featuring the digital artistry of Kevin Jaeger and Max Salzborn. This exhibition offered a sneak peek into our latest works, seamlessly bridging the digital and physical worlds.Our aim was to shift the spotlight onto digital art, demonstrating its vast possibilities through mediums such as 3D prints, sculptures, animations, and augmented reality. Notably, it was my first exhibition where I had the opportunity to present my sculptures, designed using my experience in 3D and brought to life through 3D printing.
Hamburg, Germany
During the exhibition, Max and I presented six different 3D animations, displayed on digital screens. These animations were directly connected to the sculptures on display. Not only did they showcase the sculptures, but they also visualized the digital creation process behind them, offering a deeper insight into our artistry and the intricate journey from concept to final piece."
Max Salzborn und Kevin Jaeger auf der Process Exhibition Process Exhibition
 Process Exhibition Process Exhibition Process Exhibition
Max Salzborn und Kevin Jaeger auf der Process Exhibition Process ExhibitionSkulptur Fragmented Relic auf der Process Exhibition
Kunstdrucke auf der Process ExhibitionKevin Jaeger auf der Process Exhibition
Animation von Digital Artisan auf einem digitalem FrameSkulptur Fragmented Relic auf der Process ExhibitionSkulptur Pressure auf der Process Exhibition
To bring digital art to life, we've transformed our digital creations into sculptures. To showcase the versatility of 3D printing, we employed a unique processing technique for each sculpture. From hand-painting to various spray techniques, we've experimented and utilized a wide array of methods to enhance these works.
Skulptur Pressure im 3D Druck
3D Daten derSkulptur Pressure Fragmented Relic im AtelierSkulptur Pressure im Atelier
Skulptur Pressure im Atelier3D DruckSkulptur Digital Artisan im 3D Druck
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Shafeeq Nickels
Mia Conolly