
Kevin Jaeger



digital eyes.

Kevin Jaeger is a digital artist and art director who loves exploring the ever-expanding possibilities of visual storytelling in the digital world. This gallery showcases selected works for clients as well as visuals that he created as an independent artist.

As a freelance art director, he specializes in crafting compelling concepts and has over a decade of industry experience working for numerous international clients and brands.

As an artist, he likes to refer to himself as a digital artisan, fusing static and dynamic imagery, sculptural forms, and bold designs. Kevin’s artworks often provide glimpses into the creative process behind them as he integrates elements and techniques like bounding boxes or pixilation into his final works, allowing him to share his unique perspective – through digital eyes.

His works have been featured on several platforms both online and offline across the globe, from billboards in several major cities, to art exhibitions and appearances in online magazines.
